“Setting up” Day

Great to see you for Part 2 of our Orientation to ENG 5020 “Writing Theory & Practice”!  Our second meeting was a chance to further acclimate as we continue to set up the course together.  Your early responses to the “Image Gallery” check-in exercise were insightful, and it helps to get to know each other (incrementally) as we embark on this journey together.  It seems to me that a common theme yesterday was “the attributes of growth.” You reflected on the importance of both passion and also patience, the ability to “sit with it”, and the challenges of acclimating (bit by bit) to periods of “discomfort” (as we redefine what we want for ourselves in this journey of life). Thanks for your generosity in participating in this early exercise.

Here are the slides from class:

I am glad we achieved as much as we did regarding our Course Calendar. For now, we have all the dates designated (each of you knows which night you are slated to “take the lead”).   And some of you have already selected your readings (or at least a part of your reading selection).  Please take the time this week to confirm that you are set on your selections, or for those of you who are still considering your choices, please make your selections, and/or your additional selections. Next week we will firm up our overall plan together.

Centering ourselves at the beginning

I am also glad we took a moment to engage in the Spiral Journal together. Writing can be a powerful way to sharpen your own observational precision, especially in terms of self-reflection. I believe it is useful to take stock of where we are at. This kind of writing will always help you in setting an intentional direction for new growth in your life. We have our work cut out for us in this course, and yet, I also hope that our rhythm and our way of proceeding together will genuinely be something all of us to look forward to.  We will pace ourselves as we dive deeper into the world of writing theory, seeking that bridge to writing praxis.  Your preparations for the next couple of weeks will continue to be “light” as we warm-up and acclimate together.

Steps to take each week:

  • Read my homepage post
  • Complete your work from the “to-do” list and blog about it
  • Read your peer’s blogs on our website before we meet for class!

Your “to-do” list:

Read: “Rhetoric & Composition” by Janice M. Lauer in English studies : an introduction to the discipline(s) ed. Bruce McComiskey, National Council of Teachers of English, 2006. Here is the link to the PDF file: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:5f2203ed-891e-4e5c-b626-662b58d676e9

***Please note this reading is Chapter 2 (pages 106-136) in the English studies : an introduction to the discipline(s) ebook: https://kean.on.worldcat.org/oclc/647111480.

The ebook is accessible here. Scroll to Chapter 2 for your class reading:

Blog #2 (Due 9/19) – A reflection/response on the Janice M. Lauer “Rhetoric & Composition” reading, and any thoughts on the highlights emerging from the first two weeks of class.

See you in our classroom next week!

Dr. Zamora

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